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By Pica9 on September 02, 2019

How to Select the Best Distributed Marketing Software for Your Brand

As a brand manager, you face an enormous amount of pressure. A recent study found that brand management keeps over 25% of business executives up at night.

To make matters worse, the distributed marketing environment comes with a few unique challenges, including asset management and distribution. Under these circumstances, miscommunication, conflict with local marketing teams, and inconsistent campaigns are frequent occurrences. In fact, another recent study found that 21% of brand managers spend 15 or more hours every week communicating with local marketers, troubleshooting marketing technology, and more.Distributed Marketing on Steroids

Fortunately, distributed marketing software makes it easy for brand managers to efficiently create, store, localize, manage, and measure marketing effectiveness across the distributed network. In recent years, an increasing number of industry-leading multi-located brands have made some serious investments in distributed marketing software. If you haven't considered distributed marketing software for your own multi-located brand, you are at a serious disadvantage.

Based on our work with hundreds of recognized multi-located enterprises, we've prepared five simple steps your brand can take to select the absolute best distributed marketing software. Use these expert insights to streamline system discovery, adoption, implementation, and management.

5 Steps to Find the Best Distributed Marketing Software

Planning, distributing, and managing effective marketing at the national and local level is only achievable when your business delivers consistent and compelling messaging and design that speaks to your brand's unique identity.

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.

To maximize your chances for distributed marketing success, invest in the best distributed marketing software. Here's how it's done:

1. Outline Software Goals and Objectives

Start by outlining your software goals and objectives. What do you need the distributed marketing software to accomplish? There are a number of distributed marketing platforms that focus solely on email automation, content management, and other singular functions. Additionally, digital asset management typically comes in four distinct forms, including stand-alone, modular, integrated, and distributed.

You'll want to invest in a comprehensive solution that offers both multi-channel marketing capabilities and asset distribution. In some cases, a customized software solution may be ideal for your distributed organization.

2. Survey the Field

Secondly, survey regional and local marketers. What are their pain points? What frustrations do they have when it comes to campaign activation? Use these insights to guide your decision-making process. The fact is, most local marketers aren't the marketing aficionados that we need them to be. As such, the distributed marketing solution should be simple, easy to use, intuitive, and powerful.

Unlike other platforms in the local marketing resource management space, CampaignDrive customers are able to configure the product to meet their unique needs and requirements. Additionally, CampaignDrive integrates with other popular marketing application. This kind of configuration drives seamless local adoption.

3. Prioritize Marketing Pain Points

After you've surveyed the field, create a prioritized list of marketing pain points. It's important to solve the biggest challenges first. As such, create a software roll-out plan and show local marketers how their challenges will be resolved with the distributed marketing software solution. Four Strategies to Align Local Marketing Initiatives

4. Create a Software Shortlist

Next, create a shortlist of software providers based on inputs from local marketers and marketing priorities. There are hundreds of distributed marketing solutions to choose from, and finding the "right" solution depends on the unique characteristics of your business and local marketers. Of course, we might be a little biased when we say that CampaignDrive is one of the best solutions available to distributed marketers.

CampaignDrive empowers brand professionals to improve brand integrity and accelerate time-to-market while reducing creative production and distribution costs. In fact, our solution works for many recognized and globally established brands.

5. Try a Software Trial

After you've created a short list of top software providers, we recommend trying before buying. Most software providers offer free, limited-time versions of the software. Use this as an opportunity to learn more about the solution.

To learn more about our brand management tool, try our free interactive demo. Experience first-hand how system administrators, designers, and local marketers use CampaignDrive to power value-driven customer experiences and deliver on-brand creative across the entire distributed network.

Achieve Distributed Marketing Mastery with CampaignDrive

Finding the "right" distributed marketing solution for your multi-located brand is the first step towards achieving distributed marketing mastery. When you arm your brand with a powerful and results-driven distributed marketing solution, you are well on your way towards initiating the effective coordination of people, files, data, workflows, campaigns, and much more.


After you've made the software investment, we recommend downloading our free guide. In this guide, you'll learn how to deliver on your company's promise through brand consistency and compliance. Utilize these expert tips and strategies to build a champion marketing team and deploy successful local marketing campaigns.

dam software demo request

Published by Pica9 September 2, 2019