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Effortless Local Landing Page Creation with CampaignDrive

Local Landing Pages Features

Empower franchisees with the ability to manage their local presence while upholding brand consistency across all locations. Our centralized platform allows seamless scaling and oversight of numerous franchise local website pages. 

Brand Compliance

Lock down brand critical elements, while giving franchisees the freedom to access customizable fields. 

Curated Images

Allow franchisees the ability to add locally relevant images or choose from a pre-approved collection of images.

Template Expiration

Easily set landing page expiration dates and URL redirects with a click of a button.




A Single Place to Manage All Local Landing Pages

CampaignDrive serves as a one-stop-shop for you to manage all things local. No need for multiple tools, when you have everything at your fingertips.
The Local Marketing Playbook
Is inconsistent branding across locations negatively impacting the customer experience and your company's bottom line?

Marriott Manages a Global Brand With CampaignDrive


Return on Investment


Hotel Properties Worldwide


Distinct Brands

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Devices Reduced Shadow
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Achieve Local Marketing Mastery

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